Transfer of I-20 Form
Transfer applicants who complete financial
certification please submit the following:
1. copy of current I-20
2. copy of visa
3. official bank statement
4. copy of I-94
Freshmen applicants attending high school in the United States and
transfer applicants attending college in the United States who plan to
remain in the United States prior to entering Virginia Tech need to
complete this form and mail to: Office of Undergraduate Admissions,
Virginia Tech, 201 Burruss Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA.

Date: ______________________ U.S. Social Security Number (if you have one): ______/ ______ / ____________
Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please sign the Release of Information form below and give it to your foreign student advisor at the school you now attend or most recently attended.
I grant permission for the information requested below to be released to Virginia Tech.
Applicant's Signature

TO: INS Designated School Official

The above-named student has applied for admission to Virginia Tech. In compliance with INS regulations effective May 22, 1987, we request confirmation of his/her status at your institution before approving transfer of the I-20 to Virginia Tech. Please complete the following and return to the Cranwell International Center, Virginia Tech, Clay Street, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061.

  1. Current Immigration Status:
    ___ I-20 or ___ DS2019 Completion Date on Document ________________ I-94 Expiration Date _____________
    Exchange Visitor Program #___________________________ Category _____________________________________
    ___ The student is in good standing and is/has been pursuing a full course of study (or has already been reinstated to status by INS).
    ___ The student is out of status and a reinstatement to student status was filed on __________________________
    at INS District: ________________________ and is pending. (Please enclose copies of documents filed with INS.)
    ___ The student is out of status, and we will advise him/her to apply for reinstatement upon receipt of a new I-20AB from Virginia Tech.
    ___ The student demonstrates that he/she has reimbursed the local educational agency that administers the school for the full, unsubsidized per capita cost of providing education at such a school for the period of the student's attendance.
    ___ Other: ____________________________________________________________________________
  2. Date of last attendance at your school _________________________
  3. Please indicate the dates of any practical training (curricular, option, academic) in which the student has participated:
    Curricular _____________________ Optional _______________________ J-1 Academic _____________________
_____________________________________________ ________________________________
Name and title of designated school official completing this form Signature
__________________________________________________ ________________________
Name of institution Date
__________________________________________________ ________________________
Address Telephone number