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Application Instructions

Admission Requirements for Freshman Applicants

Nursing Applicants


Admission Requirements for Transfer Applicants

Financial Aid Application Procedures

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 Undergraduate Admissions 

Azusa Pacific University extends an invitation to you to apply for admission today! Application to the university does not obligate you to attend. It simply gives APU admissions counselors the information they need to assist you in your decision making. Because making the right choice is so important, the Undergraduate Admissions staff wants to help you discover how APU could fit into your future.

AZUSA PACIFIC UNIVERSITY is a comprehensive Christian evangelical university commited to academic excellence, indivdiual growth, and service to God and others. Our mission is to:
  • provide quality undergraduate instruction in the liberal arts and science, applied fields, and selected professions.
  • introduce students to the Christian faith through programs of instruction that reflect Christian perspectives and cross-cultural issues.
  • initiate lifelong learning, intended to promote academic, spiritual, physical, and social maturity.
  • encourage the formation of a personal Christian faith and posture of service to others as modeled by Jesus Christ.
Application Instructions
Academic capabilities, as well as involvement in church, school, and community activities, are considered in assessing the applicant's potential for success at the university. The application process is designed as a tool for making these assessments. Each application is considered on an individual basis, so please submit any additional information you beleieve may be helpful to the Admissions Committee. Meeting minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.

Admission Requirements for Freshman Applicants
A freshman applicant is defined as one who has fewer than 28 units of college credit following high school graduation.
  1. Application, Statement of Agreement with Institutional Policy, and Three Essay Questions
    These items should be submitted via secure online server

  2. Application Fee
    A nonrefundable $45 application fee should be submitted via secure online server.

  3. Transcripts
    The applicant is responsible for requesting that official transcripts be sent from the high school from which he/she graduated (or is currently attending) and each college he/she has attended, to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. (Official transcripts are transcripts sent DIRECTLY from the high school or college to Azusa Pacific University.) Hand carried transcripts or sealed transcripts, mailed by anyone but the school, will not be accepted as "official."

  4. Preadmission Tests
    All freshman applicants must submit scores from the American College Testing (ACT) Program or the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). A minimum 910 combined SAT score or 19 combined ACT score is required for admission. (Transfer applicants who have completed more than 12 core units in one semesterr of transferable college credit are not required to submit test scores.)

  5. References
    Each applicant must supply two references from people familiar with the applicant's character and academic background. The academic reference should be written by a teacher in a core academic course, and the personal reference by a counselor, pastor, youth director, or close family friend.
    *Available in PDF format. If you don't have a PDF viewer, you can download the plug-in from Adobe's website.

  6. GPA Requirement
    A minimum 2.5 grade-point average (GPA) is required for admission. High school GPA is determined by computing grades from the sophomore-senior years with no driver's education or physical education courses included. Advanced placement and honors courses receive "weighted" credit.

Deadline-March 1, 2001

Please send the following information separately to Admissions Committee. Please note: These extra items are necessary when applying to the School of Nursing.

  1. Licensing Information (if applicable)
    Provide name; phone number; Social Security number; RN license number with expiration date and state; LVN license number with expiration date and state; and photocopy of RN or LVN license.

  2. Previous Work Experience within the Past Two Years
    Provide name of place worked, city and state, position title, dates worked, and if salaried or volunteer.

  3. Professional Goals
    Describe your professional nursing goals in one page or less. Include your personal definition of nursing and concept of career opportunities in this field.

  4. Transcripts
    Nursing students are required to send official high school and college transcripts directly to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions for proof of sciences, math, and foriegn language taken. File copies are then sent to School of Nursing to review for admission into the nursing program.

  5. High School or Extracurricular Activities, Leadership, Etc.
    Please note: All Nursing students accepted into the program must confirm attendance by May 15, 2001 with the School of Nursing.

    APU adheres to a continuous admission procedure with the following application deadlines: Early Action:If you are a high school senior and Azusa Pacific University is your first-choice college, you may apply for Early Action. Candidates not accepted for Early Action will be notified that they will be reconsidered for admission under Regular Decision. This will allow time for additional materials to be submitted that might strengthen the overall file (i.e., fall grades and or additional SAT/ACT scores).

    First-Year Students
    Fall Semester
    Early Action (Fall Only)
    December 1 application deadline
    January 15 early action notification sent

    Regular Decision
    March 1 priority application deadline
    June 1 final deadline

    Spring Semester
    November 15 application deadline

    Applications should be submitted by March 1 to ensure priority consideration for both admission and financial aid.

    These are firm deadline dates. Applications may be submitted after the Early Action and Priority Deadlines, but we cannot guarantee that they will be given the same consideration as those submitted on or before the Early Action and Priority Deadline dates. Please not that there may be an enrollment waitlist that begins before the final (June 1) deadline.

    Students applying for Early Action will be notified of their admission status after January 15. Applicants for Regular Admission and those not offered admission through Early Action may receive notification after February 1. Regular Admission notification letters will be mailed two weeks after admissions files are completed and reviewed by the admissions committee.

    Admission Requirements for Transfer Applicants
    Azusa Pacific welcomes applications from transfer students. Such applicants must meet the same requirements as freshman applicants, with the following exceptions:

    1. If 28 or more semester units or 12 core units of transferable credit have been completed at an accredited college or university, preadmission tests are not required.

    2. A minimum 2.0 grade-point average (GPA) is required for admission. The transfer student's GPA is based on cumulative college work.

    3. Transfer students must submit transcripts from all colleges attended, whether or not credit was received. Transcripts must be directly sent from the college(s) to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Hand carried transcripts will not be accepted as "official."

    Financial Aid Application Procedures

    If you wish to apply for aid, complete and submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and Institutional Aid Application (IAA). California residents should also submit the GPA verification form to apply for CAL Grant. These forms may be obtained from your high school counselor or the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at APU. The Institutional Aid Application (IAA) can be obtained from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions or Student Financial Services at APU.

    Transcripts and other documents submitted as part of the application become the property of the university and cannot be returned to the sutdent or forwarded in any form to another college or university.
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901 E. Alosta Ave., PO Box 7000, Azusa, CA 91702-7000  |  (800) 825-5278