The American University of Paris

Computer Skills:
Word, Excel & Powerpoint = 3,125 FF
Summer/Advanced Word & Excel = 2,625FF
Introducation to Computer Art = 1,875FF
Desktop Publishing
Photoshop & Illustrator = 3,125FF
QuarkXpress = 3,000FF
Web Design
Basic HTML (basic Web Design) = 3,500FF
(Advanced HTML) = 2,625FF
Summer Intensive Web Design = 7,820FF
Computer Imaging
Photo Editing & Image transmission = 6,000FF
Traingin Programs
TEFL = 12,180FF
Technical Writing = 38,500FF
Business Certificate Programs
Translation Workshop Program = 9,625FF
Anglo-Saxen Accounting & Finance = 9,750FF
The American Stock Market Game = 1,000FF
Advertising @ Cyberspace = 4,800FF
The Euro of Today: A Workshop = 185FF
- Applicable Discount (-10% for Alumni)=Sub-total=

Credit card number (Visa/MC/Amex): _______________________________________
Expiration date: ____________________________
Name on credit card:________________________________________
Signature: _________________________________________________

Please note that programs and prices are subject to change. Those wishing to take a program under 'formation professionnelle continue' should contact the Division of Continuing Education for the neccesary forms.